7:15 Class


Select the Qigong Practice(s) of Your Choice.

You may choose to do a 30-Day Gong or a 100-Day Gong. The rules are: Do your practice every day. If you miss a day, make it up the next day. If you miss 2 days, start over.


Here are some possibilities:

Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down (LCUPCD)

18-Minute Practice--silent, good for learning the sequences.


Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down (LCUPCD)

26-Minute Practice (Highly Recommended)


Basic LCUPCD Practice, Beginning Level

This is an excellent basic, beginning practice.


Full "Awaken Vitality" Basic Practice

29 minute practice

29 As a gong, you could do a couple of the segments,

such as “Spinal Bone Marrow” and “Hip Rotations” plus an inner Smile or LaChi.


Videos on Anna's Home Page

You may pick 1 or more videos from the center home page of this website.

Ask Anna for recommendations.


LA CHI (Energy Ball)

Ask Anna for Printed Sheet.


Inner Smile--Ask Anna for Audio



Visualize your hands holding your heart. Open your heart energy to the blue sky in the horizon as your hands move out and then absorb pure energy back into your heart as your hands move toward each other. Now add sound.

Variation 1: Chant the word KAI when your hands open and SHIN when your hands close. KAI- SHIN means OPEN HEART and HAPPINESS in Chinese. Continue for several minutes.

Variation 2: Next, we let the mind follow the chant KAI...HUI. KAI means to open, expand, and liberate. HUI means to close, contract, draw inward and unite.

Chant: KAI...HUI... KAI...HUI ... KAI...HUI... KAI...HUI....... As you chant the HUI sound, use your mind to direct the chi to every area of the body. Every organ, gland, and cell is bathed in chi. KAI: Opening to expand, uniting with the chi field in the room. Close to contract and draw in, back to the center inside your body.

KAI: Open and expand beyond the room to the horizon.

HUI: Close to absorb the great chi field back into the center. KAI: Open and release all blockages, illness, and negativity into the empty space. HUI: Close to draw in the life-giving force, deep into each cell inside your body. KAI: Open and release all distracting thoughts into empty space. HUI: Close to receive the pure white and golden light into your center. KAI: Open and let your mind and heart be clear. HUI: Close, letting your mind connect with the highest wisdom inside yourself.


More Energy More Life

Link for Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down

Human Bio-Field or AURA Research

Monitoring the Human Health by Measuring the Biofield "Aura": An Overview




Differences in Human Energy Field


Debbie Friedman: Mi Shebereiach

Debbie Friedman - Mi Shebeirach (2001)

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