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Four Amazing DVDs for Seniors & All Abilities

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Blog Posts

Try This Quiz About Body Shape!

Posted by Anna York on August 19, 2024 at 9:01am 0 Comments

See if you can answer the following quiz:

Imagine that we could magically make every part of the body invisible except for the specific, single anatomical system of our choice.

Which physiological system, standing in space and moving as in life, would show us the complete, recognizable shape of the body. Check all that apply.

A. The skeleton

B. The nervous system

C. The muscular system

D. The circulatory system

E. The fascial system



Videos For Back, Hip & Joint Pain!

Posted by Anna York on March 6, 2017 at 11:00am 0 Comments

2 Great Free Videos 

For Back, Hip & Joint Pain

       And More Flexibility!     …


Walking & Balance DVD: The Best Thing Ever for My Gait!

Posted by Anna York on April 19, 2016 at 6:30pm 0 Comments


I looked in the full length mirror to check the fit on my new slim pants and was shocked to see that the left side of my hip was seriously deformed in…


Tai Chi-Qigong & Fascial Fitness: Say No to Neanderthal Neck & Quasimodo Crunch!

Posted by Anna York on February 15, 2016 at 11:00am 0 Comments

So you just realized you have the incipient signs of the dreaded and deadly "computer slouch syndrome" that is reversing the evolution of homo sapiens and sending our once-noble human profile back to cave man status. Say hello in the mirror to homo neanderthalensis!



Muscle, Joint & Fascia Warm-Ups! Celebratory 75th B'Day Video Release!

Rising UP!

Anna's Book: Rising UP! 



Healing Your Hands! Celebratory 75th B'Day Video Release!

DVD: Tai Chi-Qigong For Walking, Balance & Strength

Qigong at Chi Center!

I highly recommend Master Mingtong Gu and Wisdom Healing Qigong. 

He is the Master who has supervised my own certifications and shown me the way to better health and more empowered living.

Live Qigong w Expert Teachers

Online Courses in Wisdom Healing Qigong

Individual Coaching 

Check the Chi Center Website for Online Times and Course Information!

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